Thursday, August 18, 2005

Kicking off...

Well... I finally decided it was time to start a blog.
How often I will come back and add to it remains to be seen, but I'm promising anything by doing this, so what the heck!

All I will promise is that, when I remember, and as I have time, I will post comments on my thoughts and ruminations about various things, such as:

software and computer technology,
mental techniques,
various ramblings.

Or maybe I won't.

We'll see...


Phil Nash said...

It is often said that talking to yourself is the first sign of madness (or the second, according to some reports).
That may be true, but it's also the a useful technique for testing comment options of new blog accounts.

You decide.

Yannick Cornet said...

Hello mister Nash
Nice to hear from you and yes, to read from you soon. I always was on the side of those who say "think for yourself" - yes just like Brian, sorry Bvian. Well a blog is sure a good start, so I'll be readin'!
I've been posting my own rantings for a while ( where I happilly try to make sense of the obvious without much success but with great self-satisfaction.
So take care my friend and vi se's!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nasher

Well a blog, maybe sometime I'll get around to getting one too...

What are the pesticides that are not allowed in Organic Programming then??

seeya Duncan