Saturday, July 29, 2006

Still watching?

Well, it's been nearly year since I posted here - and how much has changed !?!?
We've left Florida - spent three months in Paris (with a stop-over in Baku, Azerbaijan) - bought a house in England, changed jobs - and Violetta is pregnant!
One thing hasn't changed, though - I still don't have much time :-( If anything I have less :-( :-(

Actually I did have a few drafts for posts in the meantime. One was an account of living through Hurricane Rita as it hit when we were in Florida. We were living on the barrier island in Fort Lauderdale - right by the sea - so we were quite vulnerable. But actually we ended up being one of the lucky few who only went a few days without electricty and water - most of the area was out for three or four weeks!
Anyway, that all seems like a long time ago now. Maybe I'll say more about it sometime, but my time is, as ever, limited.
Another post I just deleted from drafts was another philosophical rambling. After reading through it now I realised I was trying to say many of the same things as Robert Pirsig in hist book, Lila - the follow up to Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance - only he says it a lot better and goes much much further. Funnily enough he goes to Fort Lauderdale in that book too. I'm still reading that one. But when I read the first book, in which he ends up in San Francisco, I was staying just outside San Francisco myself.
Funny coincidence, but it's little things like that that help you to form a special connection to something - some shared experience. Some pool of familiarity.

Well, I have plenty more to say about all of the things I have mentioned - and fully intend to do so in the near future. Please don't take that as a promise, though (or even a threat). Unfortunately Blogging is still quite a low priority thing for me - much as I would like to do more.

For now I'll just leave you with the knowledge that I am still out here in Blogspace. Keep watching...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just dropping by to say "Hey", you seem to be as bad at blogging as me!
Stay Shiny,
